Friday, November 28, 2008

the edge of dusk

i want to be deep right now. i want to know what's going on in my head. i also want to have 12 gummi bears. hmm

you see, a new friend of mine is basically amazing. i've been helping her break up with her boy, and am getting to be purty good friends. but that's all i want to happen, so i need to learn to hold back. instead i've been sort of not hanging with her if i have the chance.

then an old friend of mine is being complicated. she has no interest in me until i start to show something with 'new friend.' so for a day or two, we're real again, just super friends, then she's starting to drift away again. i think. once again, i'll give my disclaimer: i'm a seventeen year old idiot.

so now i just want to forget about girls and take a great trip to california! i guess i'll just dance this week with syd. that makes thinking about other girls a lot easier. thank goodness for syd.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

shoulder to the wheel

I was listening to saves the day, and i sort of love this song. that's all for today

And I say, "Just go.
Please, Dave, just drive.
Get us as far as far can be.
Get us away from tonight."
And I say, "Oh, Dave, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to yell,
But I'm having quite a bad week
And I miss my mom."
And we drive
Dave steps on the gas
The world that's flying by is slick and smooth
Just big waves of light
The radio is playing Queen
And we're rocking out
We're going now
'Cause, hey, this is it
This is where we are
Out here where silence is
Seventy miles an hour and the windows up tight
And I am home.