Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hestia? Really?

So, I've been reading these books. They're called Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Don't judge me.
Anyway, it ends with this cheezy message about how friends are the most important thing, and if you keep your hope with them, things will work out. It's a nice thought, but can be very untrue. Some of my best friends have let me down in a big way, and I've done worse to those who count on me. Despite the fact that i can be a jerkwad, my life has been saved by so many of my friends, and I just want to take a second to thank a few.

The first person who comes to mind is Sydney. She's my best friend who I can always count on when I'm too stupid to ask for help. It's weird to think about all the crap we've been through together, and how she'll always be a part of my family. Thanks sis.

Another friend I've grown to appreciate over the past couple years is Alisha. I set her up with a good friend of mine, and she's become the person i call when i need a pickmeup. She is super awesome.

Joseph has changed me into a more happy person than I ever would've been without him. He was my friend when I went into high school, and he's just gotten closer to my heart since then.

I have a lot more i should be writing down, but sometimes I get ADD and want to do other things. Like watch "Jesus is my friend" on youtube. Sorry, maybe i'll talk more next time.